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 A few questions

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4 posters

Posts : 134
Join date : 2008-12-17

A few questions Empty
PostSubject: A few questions   A few questions EmptyTue Mar 10, 2009 10:30 am

1. Should pets in the adoption agency continue to get more hungry?
2. Should you be allowed to trade your pets?
3. For wild pets what is a good way to tame them? (pokemon uses a pokeball)
4. Should we make a login bonus for users that login every week? If so, how much?
5. How much should egg warming items cost? (they speed up the process of a egg hatching)
6. Should training your pet cost more as your pet gets stronger?
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Posts : 26
Join date : 2008-12-18

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PostSubject: Re: A few questions   A few questions EmptyTue Mar 10, 2009 5:16 pm

1. Should pets in the adoption agency continue to get more hungry?
Hmm..could they 'die' in the adoption agency if they are able to grow hungry? Having them just get hungry does't really do much. Maybe they could grow 'depressed'?
2. Should you be allowed to trade your pets?
3. For wild pets what is a good way to tame them? (pokemon uses a pokeball)
Not sure..I'll think about this.
4. Should we make a login bonus for users that login every week? If so, how much?
50,000? Too much, maybe?
5. How much should egg warming items cost? (they speed up the process of a egg hatching)
Depends on how much the eggs cost? Maybe it could be a premium item?
6. Should training your pet cost more as your pet gets stronger?
Yep, definitely.
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Age : 31
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PostSubject: Re: A few questions   A few questions EmptyFri Mar 13, 2009 7:29 am

1. No because in an adoption agency you would hope the owners of it would feed the pets
2. Yes as those who dont want to trade dont have to meaning those that do want to trade can.
3. Hmmm beat them in a battle and then train them (similar to pokemon but no using of a ball to contain them)
4. No as i dont think this is far. Instead have random events so that if a user is on more they have more chance of the random event occuring.
5. The egg hatchs in three hours and most people would proberly woundnt buy the warming item if it was really expensive. I say about 5k to an 1hr less of wait is acceptable
6. No. if you think of when you go the the gym to train or loss weight. You pay the same amount but to achieve the same weight loss, amount of muscel tone you achieved in the previous week you have to work longer. So i say keep the price stationary and have it so that only the time goes up.
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Posts : 42
Join date : 2008-12-18
Location : kakashi's house :3

A few questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: A few questions   A few questions EmptySat Mar 14, 2009 6:40 am

1. Should pets in the adoption agency continue to get more hungry?
No. Because if so, the pet die and users just keep buying or making one.
So what's the point having an adoption center?
An adoption center should have take care of the pets as well or no buyers would come.
2. Should you be allowed to trade your pets?
No. But somehow I found at Mistic that they trade pets, by banning the pet into the adoption center and the buyer(the other trader) will come to adopt it.
3. For wild pets what is a good way to tame them? (pokemon uses a pokeball)
I may suggest potions or foods? Or you have to figure this one yourself, like mixing an item to another item(there will be a hidden recipe on random events but very random) then viola~ Your pet is tame now.
4. Should we make a login bonus for users that login every week? If so, how much?
I think it depends on how much you make the site challanging and how active is the user.
5. How much should egg warming items cost? (they speed up the process of a egg hatching)
I'd say it's still depending on how challanging the site is.
6. Should training your pet cost more as your pet gets stronger?
Yes. It should.
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